527,02 lei
Sunt 55 produse.
56,53 lei
Acrobat Pro DC for teams - Annual Sub. 1 User
Stoc epuizat
Descrirere prescurtataAcrobat Pro DC for teams - Annual SubSoftware Pool NameApplicationSuport distributieLicenseTipul licenteiElectronic LicenseLicență Cantitate1 userLicense Validation PeriodNo time limit
1.194,84 lei
Acrobat Pro AOO License
Stoc epuizat
DescrierePHSP & PREM Elements 2020 AOO LicenseSoftware Pool NameApplicationSuport distributieLicenseTipul licenteiElectronic LicenseLicense Validation PeriodNo time limit
3.217,53 lei
Adobe Acrobat Standard DC for teams/1 User/Level 1
Stoc epuizat
Descrirere prescurtataAdobe Acrobat Standard DC for teamsSoftware Pool NameApplicationSuport distributieLicenseTipul licenteiElectronic LicenseLicență Cantitate1 licențăLicense Validation PeriodFără limită de timp
1.058,80 lei
Acrobat Pro DC for teams - Team Licensing Subscription Renewal
Stoc epuizat
Descrirere prescurtataAcrobat Pro DC for teams - Team Licensing Subscription RenewalSoftware Pool NameApplicationSuport distributieLicenseTipul licenteiElectronic LicenseLicență Cantitate1 licenseLicense Validation PeriodNo time limit
1.194,84 lei
Photoshop CC teams/1U/Lvl 1 1 - 9
Stoc epuizat
DescrierePhotoshop CC teams/1U/Lvl 1 1 - 9Tipul licenteiElectronic LicenseLicență Cantitate1 licenseLicense Validation PeriodNo time limit
2.288,54 lei
Adobe Creative Cloud for teams All Apps Multiple Platforms EU English Team Licensing Subscription New Education Named license
Stoc epuizat
Descrirere prescurtataCreative Cloud for teams All Apps Multiple Platforms EU English Team Licensing Subscription New Education Named licenseSoftware Pool NameApplicationsLocalizareEnglezăTipul licenteiElectronic LicenseLicență Cantitate1 userLicense Vali
2.675,82 lei
Photoshop for teams, Subscription Renewal, Level 1 1 - 9, Commercial
Stoc epuizat
Descrirere prescurtataPhotoshop for teams, Subscription Renewal, Level 1 1 - 9, CommercialSoftware Pool NameApplicationSuport distributieLicenseTipul licenteiElectronic LicenseLicență Cantitate9 licenseLicense Validation Period1 year
2.392,64 lei
Creative Cloud for teams All Apps, Subscription Renewal, Level 1 1 - 9, Commercial
Stoc epuizat
Descrirere prescurtataCreative Cloud for teams All Apps, Subscription Renewal, Level 1 1 - 9, CommercialSoftware Pool NameApplicationSuport distributieLicenseTipul licenteiElectronic LicenseLicență Cantitate9 usersLicense Validation Period1 year
5.598,22 lei
Acrobat Pro 2020 - perpetual, Commercial
Stoc epuizat
Descrirere prescurtataAcrobat Pro 2020 - perpetual, CommercialSoftware Pool NameApplicationSuport distributieLicenseTipul licenteiElectronic LicenseLicență Cantitate1 licenseLicense Validation PeriodNo time limit
3.873,16 lei
Acrobat Pro 2020 - perpetual, Commercial
Stoc epuizat
Descrirere prescurtataAcrobat Pro 2020 - perpetual, CommercialSoftware Pool NameApplicationSuport distributieLicenseTipul licenteiElectronic LicenseLicență Cantitate1 licenseLicense Validation PeriodNo time limit
3.885,12 lei
Acrobat Pro 2020 AOO, perpetual, 1 user, Government
Stoc epuizat
Descrirere prescurtataAcrobat Pro 2020 AOO, perpetualSoftware Pool NameApplicationSuport distributieLicenseTipul licenteiGovernmental LicenseLicență Cantitate1 userLicense Validation PeriodNo time limit
3.410,48 lei
Acrobat Pro for teams, Subscription New, Level 1 1 - 9, Commercial - New Acrobat Pro customer!
Stoc epuizat
Descrirere prescurtataAcrobat Pro for teams, Subscription New, Level 1 1 - 9, Commercial - New Acrobat Pro customer!Software Pool NameApplicationSuport distributieLicenseTipul licenteiElectronic LicenseLicență Cantitate1 licențăLicense Validation Period1
1.693,14 lei
Acrobat Pro for enterprise, Subscription New, Level 1 1 - 9, EU English, Commercial, Existing Acrobat Pro DC customers only
Stoc epuizat
Descrirere prescurtataAcrobat Pro DC for enterprise, Subscription New, Level 1 1 - 9, commercialSoftware Pool NameApplicationSuport distributieLicenseTipul licenteiElectronic LicenseLicență Cantitate1 licenseLicense Validation Period1 year
1.407,83 lei
Xiaomi Mi Wireless Outdoor Security Camera 1080p
Stoc epuizat
Xiaomi Mi Wireless Outdoor Security Camera 1080p
258,19 lei
Webcam Aqirys Phase Full HD, 1.8m, negru
Stoc epuizat
Webcam Webcam Aqirys Phase Full HD, 2.1MP, USB 2.0, 1.8m, negru
183,40 lei
Wireless combined optical-smoke and rate of rise heat detector (base andbattery included) VIT60
Stoc epuizat
307,60 lei
Wireless manual call point with RE-ENABLE glass (battery included)VIT50
Stoc epuizat
Wireless manual call point with RE-ENABLE glass (battery included);VIT50
300,09 lei
Wireless optical-smoke fire detector (base and battery included) VIT30
Stoc epuizat
Wireless optical-smoke fire detector (base and battery included); VIT30
296,39 lei
Wireless addressable Router VIT02:- performs the functions of a repeater (retransmitting the radio signlasin the network)- contr
Stoc epuizat
Wireless addressable Router VIT02:- performs the functions of a repeater (retransmitting the radio signlasin the network);- controls conventional sounders or fire protection and fire alarmequipment, through aprogrammable fire relay output;- power supplied
622,50 lei
Rate of rise heat detector, FD7120, isolator included
Stoc epuizat
Rate of rise heat detector, FD7120, isolator included
108,94 lei
254,02 lei
Camera De Supraveghere Xiaomi C200, WiFi 2.4Ghz, Alba BHR6766GL
Stoc epuizat
Camera De Supraveghere Xiaomi C200, WiFi 2.4Ghz, Alba BHR6766GL
152,55 lei
183,13 lei
Xiaomi Mi Wireless Outdoor Security Camera 1080p Set
Stoc epuizat
Xiaomi Mi Wireless Outdoor Security Camera 1080p Set
383,29 lei
230,39 lei
170,96 lei
132,26 lei
180,35 lei
177,83 lei
Xiaomi Mi Temerature and Humidity Monitor Pro
Stoc epuizat
Xiaomi Mi Temerature and Humidity Monitor Pro
77,49 lei