Sunt 29 produse.
Switch CISCO CBS350-8FP-E-2G, 8 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, POE 120w, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM: 5
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Switch CISCO CBS350-8FP-E-2G, 8 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, POE 120w, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM: 512 MB Dimensiuni: 268 x 185 x 44 mm, Greutate: 1.53 Kg, Consum fara POE: 220V-16.68W, cu POE: 145.26W, Fanless, Rack-mount.
2.395,62 lei
Switch CISCO CBS350-16FP-2G, 16 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, POE 240w, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM: 5
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Switch CISCO CBS350-16FP-2G, 16 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, POE 240w, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM: 512 MB Dimensiuni: 268 x 308 x 44 mm, Greutate: 2.49 Kg, Consum fara POE: 220V-26.68 W, cu POE: 279.8W, Fanless, Rack-mount.
4.921,26 lei
Switch CISCO CBS250-8PP-E-2G, 8 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, POE 45w, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM: 51
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Switch CISCO CBS250-8PP-E-2G, 8 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, POE 45w, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM: 512 MB Dimensiuni: 268 x 185 x 44 mm, Greutate: 1.53 Kg, Consum fara POE: 220V-14.47 W, cu POE: 66.02w, Fanless, Rack-mount.
1.543,74 lei
Switch CISCO CBS250-8P-E-2G, 8 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, POE 60w, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM: 512
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Switch CISCO CBS250-8P-E-2G, 8 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, POE 60w, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM: 512 MB Dimensiuni: 268 x 185 x 44 mm, Greutate: 1.53 Kg, Consum fara POE: 220V-14.38 W, cu POE: 80.86W, Fanless, Rack-mount.
1.699,73 lei
Switch CISCO CBS250-8FP-E-2G, 8 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, POE 120w, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM: 5
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Switch CISCO CBS250-8FP-E-2G, 8 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, POE 120w, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM: 512 MB Dimensiuni: 268 x 185 x 44 mm, Greutate: 1.53 Kg, Consum fara POE: 220V-16.68 W, cu POE: 145.26W, Fanless, Rack-mount.
1.765,71 lei
Switch CISCO CBS250-24FP-4X, 24 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 4 x SFP, POE: 370W, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM:
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Switch CISCO CBS250-24FP-4X, 24 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 4 x SFP, POE: 370W, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM: 512 MB Dimensiuni: 445 x 345 x 44 mm, Greutate: 4.6 Kg, Consum fara POE: 220V- 47.01W, cu POE: 437.4W, Fanless.
6.917,56 lei
Switch CISCO CBS250-16T-2G, 16 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM: 512 MB Dimen
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Switch CISCO CBS250-16T-2G, 16 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM: 512 MB Dimensiuni: 268 x 272 x 44 mm, Greutate: 1.78 Kg, Consum: 220V-18.37W, Fanless.
1.669,73 lei
Switch CISCO CBS250-16P-2G, 16 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, POE 120w, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM: 51
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Switch CISCO CBS250-16P-2G, 16 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, POE 120w, Buffer: 1.5 Mb, Flash 256Mb, CPU: 800 MHz ARM , DRAM: 512 MB Dimensiuni: 268 x 297 x 44 mm , Greutate: 2.38 Kg, Consum: 220V-25.01W, Fanless.
2.575,60 lei
Switch CISCO CBS220-16T-2G, 16 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, Buffer: 4.1 Mb, Flash 64Mb, CPU memory: 256Mb, Dimensiuni: 440 x 2
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Switch CISCO CBS220-16T-2G, 16 PORTURI 10/100/1000, 2 x SFP, Buffer: 4.1 Mb, Flash 64Mb, CPU memory: 256Mb, Dimensiuni: 440 x 203 x 44 mm , Greutate: 2.48 Kg, Consum: 220V-11.4W, Fanless.
1.333,78 lei
Aplica Trio KHAN 205570267, excl. 2x E27, max. 28W, 230V, IP20, montare pe perete, nu include becul, dimensiuni 35x20cm, culoare
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Aplica Trio KHAN 205570267, excl. 2x E27, max. 28W, 230V, IP20, montare pe perete, nu include becul, dimensiuni 35x20cm, culoare corp nichel antic, material corp metal, culoare abajur lemn, material abajur lemn natural;
66,48 lei
Spot Trio Reality GINA R80152001, excl. 2x E14, max. 40W, 230V, IP20, montare pe plafon, nu include becul, dimensiuni 36x25x13cm
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Spot Trio Reality GINA R80152001, excl. 2x E14, max. 40W, 230V, IP20, montare pe plafon, nu include becul, dimensiuni 36x25x13cm, culoare alba, material metal;
33,73 lei
Aplica Trio DIALLO 208070132, excl. 1x E27 · max. 42W, 230V, IP20, montare pe perete, include intrerupator, nu include becul, di
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Aplica Trio DIALLO 208070132, excl. 1x E27 · max. 42W, 230V, IP20, montare pe perete, include intrerupator, nu include becul, dimensiuni 10x15cm, culoare neagra, material metal;
19,32 lei
Spot incastrabil Trio Jura 650000132, excl. 1x GU10, max. 15W, 230V, IP20, montare plafon, pivotant, forma patrata, dimensiuni
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Spot incastrabil Trio Jura 650000132, excl. 1x GU10, max. 15W, 230V, IP20, montare plafon, pivotant, forma patrata, dimensiuni 8x7x8cm, becul nu este inclus, culoare neagra;
2,29 lei
Aplica LED integrat pentru exterior Trio Thames II, 2x4.5W, 230V, lumina calda 3000K, 2x 400 lumeni, durata de viata 30.000 de o
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Aplica LED integrat pentru exterior Trio Thames II, 2x4.5W, 230V, lumina calda 3000K, 2x 400 lumeni, durata de viata 30.000 de ore, clasa energetica A+, IP54, dimensiuni 17x9cm, material fonta aluminiu, culoare alb mat
100,74 lei
Stalp LED integrat pentru exterior Trio Pearl, cu senzor de miscare, 9W, 230V, lumina calda 3000K, 900 lumeni, durata de viata 2
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Stalp LED integrat pentru exterior Trio Pearl, cu senzor de miscare, 9W, 230V, lumina calda 3000K, 900 lumeni, durata de viata 25.000 de ore, clasa energetica A, IP54, dimensiuni 14x100cm, material fonta aluminiu/ plastic, culoare antracit/ alb
205,54 lei
Aplica LED integrat Trio Concha, cu intrerupator dimmer, 6W, 230V, lumina calda 3000K, 2x 600 lumeni, durata de viata 20.000 de
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Aplica LED integrat Trio Concha, cu intrerupator dimmer, 6W, 230V, lumina calda 3000K, 2x 600 lumeni, durata de viata 20.000 de ore, clasa energetica A+, IP20, dimensiuni 28x8cm, material metal/ acrilic, culoare antracit/ alb
66,48 lei
Aplica LED integrat Trio Trinity, 45W, 230V, temperatura culoare variabila 3000+4000+5500K, 4000 lumeni, durata de viata 30.000
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Aplica LED integrat Trio Trinity, 45W, 230V, temperatura culoare variabila 3000+4000+5500K, 4000 lumeni, durata de viata 30.000 de ore, clasa energetica A, IP20, dimensiuni: 60x7x60cm, material plastic, culoare aluminiu lucios, montare pe plafon si pe per
179,34 lei
Aplica LED integrat Trio Trinity, 24W, 230V, temperatura culoare variabila 3000+4000+5500K, 2000 lumeni, durata de viata 30.000
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Aplica LED integrat Trio Trinity, 24W, 230V, temperatura culoare variabila 3000+4000+5500K, 2000 lumeni, durata de viata 30.000 de ore, clasa energetica A, IP20, dimensiuni: 40x7x40cm, material plastic, culoare aluminiu lucios, montare pe plafon si pe per
88,75 lei
Wireless combined optical-smoke and rate of rise heat detector (base andbattery included) VIT60
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307,61 lei
Wireless manual call point with RE-ENABLE glass (battery included)VIT50
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Wireless manual call point with RE-ENABLE glass (battery included);VIT50
300,11 lei
Wireless optical-smoke fire detector (base and battery included) VIT30
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Wireless optical-smoke fire detector (base and battery included); VIT30
296,40 lei
Wireless addressable Router VIT02:- performs the functions of a repeater (retransmitting the radio signlasin the network)- contr
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Wireless addressable Router VIT02:- performs the functions of a repeater (retransmitting the radio signlasin the network);- controls conventional sounders or fire protection and fire alarmequipment, through aprogrammable fire relay output;- power supplied
622,51 lei
Rate of rise heat detector, FD7120, isolator included
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Rate of rise heat detector, FD7120, isolator included
108,95 lei
Alta Labs AP6 PRO WIFI 6 Gigabit Access Point, 4096-QAM, Standarde si protocoale: 801.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax WiFi4/WiFi5/WiFi6, Etherne
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Alta Labs AP6 PRO WIFI 6 Gigabit Access Point, 4096-QAM, Standarde si protocoale: 801.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax WiFi4/WiFi5/WiFi6, Ethernet, WIFI, Bluetooth, 1 x GbE RJ45 Port, PoE+, 2.4 GHz: Up to 573 Mbps, 5 GHz: Up to 5.8 Gbps,Montare tavan, perete, masa, 300+ c
1.461,21 lei
Alta Labs AP6 WIFI 6 Gigabit Access Point, Standarde si protocoale: 801.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax WiFi4/WiFi5/WiFi6, Ethernet, WIFI, Bluet
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Alta Labs AP6 WIFI 6 Gigabit Access Point, Standarde si protocoale: 801.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax WiFi4/WiFi5/WiFi6, Ethernet, WIFI, Bluetooth, 1 x GbE RJ45 Port, PoE+, 2.4 GHz: Up to 573 Mbps, 5 GHz: Up to 2.4 Gbps, Montare tavan, perete, masa, 300+ clienti, Dimen
1.111,65 lei
ALTA LABS Switch S8-POE , Interfata: 8 x 10/100/1000Mbps, 4x POE, Buget POE: 60W, Fara ventilator, Dimensiuni: 25.7 x 180 x 81 m
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ALTA LABS Switch S8-POE , Interfata: 8 x 10/100/1000Mbps, 4x POE, Buget POE: 60W, Fara ventilator, Dimensiuni: 25.7 x 180 x 81 mm, Greutate 0.38kg.
1.199,04 lei
ALTA LABS S24-POE SWITCH, Interfata: 24 x 10/100/1000M bps, 16 portuti POE, 2 x SFP, 802.3at PoE+, Buget POE: 240w, Dimensiuni:
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ALTA LABS S24-POE SWITCH, Interfata: 24 x 10/100/1000M bps, 16 portuti POE, 2 x SFP, 802.3at PoE+, Buget POE: 240w, Dimensiuni: 44 x 441.5 x 254 mm, greutate; 3.6kg,
3.605,72 lei
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ALTA LABS 16 PORT GIGABIT SWITCH, 8X POE+ PORTS, 2X SFP, 120W, BLUETOOTH, RACKMOUNTED S16-POE, Interfata: (16) 10/100/1000 Mbps / (2) SFP, POE-802.3at PoE+, Buget POE: 120W, Fara ventilator, Dimensiuni:44 x 441.5 x 254 mm, Greutate 3.6kg.
2.688,11 lei